Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I'm an old fart now, but back in the day, before marriage and kids, I was known for my rather notorious Halloween costumes... I would go all out, finding professional threatrical makeup and sparing no expense to create characters that were in as poor taste as possible...

One year, I was Elvis. The old, corpulent near-death Elvis... I found an Elvis costume in a store, bought in a size too small on purpose, and wrote "Hunk O' Burnin' Love on the back in glitter...

The year before that, I found professional blackface makeup, put a "Bears" hat on my head, bought a Bear's jersey and became William "The Refrigerator" Perry.

The makeup worked so well, that when I went out to pick up pizza for our party, the guy behind the counter at the pizza place - who was African-American - did not detect my whiteness - until I handed him the money with my yet-to-be made-up fingers...

Alas - even I have a sense of shame... I do have one more even more tasteless costume that I was going to post, but I guess maturity really does kick in at some point... or perhaps it's just paranoia. It was the hit of the party 23 years ago... but 23 years ago, I had a job - and no one had ever heard of political correctness!

Tell you what - if you want to take a peek, drop me an email and I'll consider showing you! Happy Howling!

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