Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank You, Loyal Readers!

Eleven months ago - freshly unemployed, creatively unfulfilled and in need of something to get me out of bed in the morning, I launched this blog! It hardly seems possible now, but nearly 400 blog postings later, the ol' hit counter flipped to the fifth digit on this President's Day... Which means if I had a dollar for every time someone stopped by here to read my daily rants, I'd have a picture of President Eisenhower - and 10,000 extra dollars in the bank!

I'd like to thank my good friend, Jen Richer for leading me to this place last March. She was the first person to convince me that my non-sensical ravings, snarky remarks and sarcastic rants belonged in cyberspace for all the world (or a couple of dozen tolerant friends) to see!

And thank you all for stopping here to supplement your office solitaire and facebook-surfing with a couple of minutes of my minutia a day! Here's to the next 10-thousand hits!

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